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HVAC runtime… the magic data for property managers!

April 25, 2019|4 Minutes

HVAC runtime… the magic data for property managers!

Generally speaking, if a person has the stamina to be able to run continuously for an extended period of time it is a reflection of being in good, healthy shape. However, when it comes to HVAC equipment, extensive unit runtime usually points to performance inefficiency and can be a sign that there is an underlying problem.

In many cases it would take a visit from the maintenance manager to detect and diagnose an HVAC unit that has been running for an unruly amount of time… but the wonderful world of IoT now empowers us to observe and analyze unit runtime data remotely, before a maintenance manager even has to set foot inside a residence. But what kinds of things can we tell from all of this gathered runtime data, exactly?

Let’s say on the 2nd floor of a student housing building, there are 3 separate residences each with the same internal temperature setpoint of 74 degrees. In residences 1 and 2, the HVAC runtime data shows that both HVAC units run for a total of 30 minutes an hour, and normally run for an average of 10 minutes per cycle in order to bring the temperature down 1 degree. However in the 3rd residence, the HVAC unit needs to run consistently for almost the entire 1-hour period in order the bring the temperature down that same 1 degree. Being that each of 3 units are located on the same floor and all have the same temperature setpoint, the fact that the runtime data for the unit in the 3rd residence is differing significantly is a key indicator for maintenance teams that something needs addressing.

To take it a step further, what if a particular HVAC unit has been running non-stop for a period of 24 hours with the internal temperature of the residence never quite being able to reach its setpoint? This is actually a very common occurrence that, if left undetected, leads to one hefty utility bill and puts any HVAC unit on the fast-track to a breakdown.

Once unusual runtime behavior has been detected, the immediate cause isn’t always obvious. Mostly commonly, there has been a window left open which presents a constant conflict for the thermostat, counteracting any “cooling” that’s going on. Other culprits include a unit being low on freon, frozen pipes, leaking coils, or just an overall inefficient HVAC unit that needs a bit of TLC.

Whatever the cause may be, being able to catch and address the issue in a timely manner is key. With most residents being in and out throughout the day, people don’t usually have the time to sit and pay special attention to how many times an hour their HVAC unit turns on, or how many minutes it’s been running for. Needless to say, HVAC maintenance issues are normally only noticed when the damage has already been done, which equates to one unhappy tenant phone call down to the property management office.

A Facilities IoT Solution can be a great way for property managers to analyze runtime data from afar, spot inefficient HVAC units and tend to potential maintenance malfunctions before they result in total breakdowns – ultimately saving a lot of headache, man-hours and repair expenses. Keeping residents happy by proactively addressing any issues is always a bonus, too.

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