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The biggest pain point of the property management industry

March 26, 2020|3 Minutes

The biggest pain point of the property management industry

Can you guess it? If you’re responsible for managing a property, you probably have a few things that come to mind when thinking about what causes you the most frustration. Maybe it’s lease renewals, or even the process of getting a resident successfully moved in or out.

However, according to a PropTech survey, building management was reported as the single biggest pain point for property owners and developers. Second to that was performance measurement and tracking.

Many properties don’t have an effective building management system in place, so they rely on inefficient and outdated processes to handle many of the daily building operations. This includes manually re-keying units and visiting residences in-person to inspect maintenance equipment and reset thermostats during periods of high vacancy.

Thankfully, the technological innovations of today provide effective ways to automate many of these daily processes and vastly improve the overall efficiency of building operations, especially when it comes to preventive maintenance.

Such innovations leverage smart devices, which are installed within individual residences, that communicate with robust reporting platforms to provide staff with high-level, remote insight to actionable data throughout a property. Access to this key data allows property staff to:

  • Remotely diagnose maintenance issues, thereby reducing time to resolution
  • Keep service calls within normal business hours, reducing staff over-time
  • Streamline how vacant units are managed after a resident has moved out
  • Analyze vital metrics to make informed decisions about the overall health of a property
  • Optimize access control by eliminating lock-outs and ease the re-key process
  • Maintain and manage property-wide security on a centralized platform

While there are many companies out there that will provide properties with services to improve individual building management processes, it’s most effective for staff to consider a solution that leverages one centralized platform to manage and monitor all building activity. TrustHab provides an all-in-one Solution to empower property and maintenance staff to optimize workflows, reduce costs associated with maintenance and utilities, and increase overall NOI. Contact us today to learn how you can get started.


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