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Simplifying building access management for contractors and other non-resident personnel

September 8, 2020|4 Minutes

Simplifying building access management for contractors and other non-resident personnel

Whether it’s part-time staff or contract workers that have been hired to complete work within a unit, there are many non-resident personnel that come and go from a property every day. As a property manager, you want to ensure that the process of granting access to anyone visiting a unit (or number of units) on a temporary basis is handled as efficiently and securely as possible.

In a nutshell, you want to be sure a non-resident is only accessing the unit or area that concerns them – and when they’re finished, there needs to be an easy way to confirm that access has been revoked to ensure that non-resident personnel aren’t unnecessarily re-entering the property at a later date.

When someone is given a physical key, anything can happen. It can be misplaced, stolen, or even fall into the wrong hands – which of course are all things you want to avoid as someone responsible for the safety of your residents.

This is where a remote access control feature comes into play.

For example purposes, let’s say a leak has been detected in unit 101. The onsite maintenance team is sent out to inspect the issue, and they realize that the leak is related to a problem with the plumbing in the unit located directly above unit 101. Therefore, they need to arrange for a licensed plumber to be called out to assess the situation. This plumber will need access to not only unit 101, but also unit 201 on the floor above. He’s scheduled to arrive at the property around 2pm, and is expected to be able to take care of the problem within 4 hours. As a property manager, you want to be able to quickly grant the plumber access to units 101 and 102, and ensure that access will no longer be possible once the work has been completed.

In this scenario, an effective access control feature would allow you (or anyone on your management team) to remotely generate digital access credentials for the two units – in just a few clicks. On top of that, you can schedule the times that access will be granted and revoked, which eliminates the need to keep a team member around to potentially have to stay on-site and work overtime, just to collect a key from a contractor who is running late.

Instead of having to fumble around with huge rings of keys, multiple fobs, or remember various PIN codes, contractors can conveniently use their mobile device to go in and out of the rooms they need to be in, and can’t get into any areas you don’t grant them access to. Even better, each time someone accesses a lock, it is automatically logged so you can always keep track of who went through which door and when.

A smart lock solution, like TrustHab, is without a doubt an effective way to simplify building access management – and this feature doesn’t just cover temporary visitors. There’s an entirely different set of benefits our access control platform provides for your residents, too. Eliminate after-hours lockouts, avoid the risks that are associated with keys that fall into the wrong hands, and always maintain insight to entry/exit activity across your property. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, we encourage you to reach out to us to learn more about how it all works!

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