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CIMA Group Announces Launch of a New Brand

March 28, 2019|2 Minutes

Cima Group, a global telecommunications and digital solutions provider and integrator, announced today the launch of a new brand called TrustHab, which provides facilities IoT solutions for Student Housing and Multifamily properties.

TrustHab launches with a Smart Thermostat solution that was built to solve problems such as visibility into energy consumption and HVAC equipment maintenance, providing centralized control for property managers while enhancing the resident living experience.

“I am excited about this new brand that focuses on facilities IoT solutions for connected devices. Starting with Smart Thermostats, and soon evolving to include additional devices, the main goal is to improve resident satisfaction while increasing the property’s NOI,” said Juan Gomez, CEO of Cima Group.

TrustHab empowers properties with Actionable Data, Maintenance Alerts, Reporting and Cost Savings Opportunities through our web-based interface. Properties will have the ability to control thousands of thermostats and act on potential issues quickly, thereby increasing HVAC Equipment lifespan.

Having these tools enables cost reductions and simplifies staff workflows and logistics. TrustHab is Cloud-based, always evolving and improving based on the property manager’s needs.

About Cima Group

Cima Group is a technology and service partner that is focused on innovation to support the evolution of consumer behavioral trends. Cima Group has been committed since 1981 to empower businesses through simple enablement. Cima Group has strategically expanded its portfolio to include solutions in the Communications, Finance, Healthcare, Education, Analytics, IoT and Insurance sectors.


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