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Save your staff time through Bulk Editing and Scheduled Presets

October 26, 2020|5 Minutes

Save your staff time through Bulk Editing and Scheduled Presets

In case you aren’t already familiar with TrustHab, our Solution was purpose-built to help property managers. That’s not to say it doesn’t provide a convenient value-add for residents, but our main focus has always been to empower onsite teams with a robust, flexible reporting software that allows them to significantly reduce man-hours, streamline workflows, cut unnecessary costs, and improve property NOI.

In today’s post, we’re going to highlight two of the best features for helping property staff save time: Bulk Editing and Scheduled Presets.

When an entire building is equipped with hundreds of connected IoT-driven smart devices, it’s challenging for property staff to ensure that energy consumption in individual residences is being managed efficiently. This is where the scheduled presets feature comes in handy.

Scheduled Presets can be used to give staff peace of mind, save energy, or keep lights on during a certain time of day, for example. Property managers can create a bundle of settings for any device type, and schedule those changes to happen at any time and repeat on any interval.

For instance, you could schedule light switches or outlets to be toggled on or off at certain times, or schedule specific setpoints for your thermostats to roll to during certain hours of the day. Let’s say we know that on a particular day, building 5 is going to have some construction work done in 3 separate units. You might want to create some specific thermostat set-point ranges that are allowed in those 3 particular units, or lock down the thermostats entirely so that settings can’t be adjusted by construction staff. Conveniently, these scheduled presents can be created and scheduled as far out in advance as you want and rolled out to as wide a scope as a whole property or suite of properties, or to as narrow as a building or unit.

Another one of the TrustHab features is the ability to Bulk Edit. While this is similar to Scheduled Presets in the sense that you have the ability to apply a change to multiple devices simultaneously, bulk editing is more for changing the settings on the fly – as opposed to scheduling well in advance.

This feature is particularly useful for periods of high-vacancy. For example, let’s say we know building 3 is completely empty with everyone having vacated their residence due to the pandemic. Instead of needing to go door-to-door to change the setting of each thermostat individually, a property manager would have the ability to ‘select all’ of those thermostats in each of the vacant units and easily apply the desired setting (like changing the climate mode or temperature setpoint) to ensure energy isn’t being wasted by HVACs blowing cold (or hot) air to an empty room. Additionally, you’d have the ability to lock thermostats or set cooling minimums and heating maximums and even set multiple devices to ‘auto mode’ so you know units will never get too hot, or too cold, or run too frequently.

Being able to remotely revert thermostat settings with just a few clicks, as often as necessary, is a game-changer when it comes to streamlining staff workflows and reducing man-hours. And this Bulk Edit feature isn’t just for thermostats – you can also select any deployed smart outlets or switches and enable or disable them as desired, with just the touch of a button.

In addition to reducing utilities, maintaining the temperature in any vacant units helps to prevent any accidental misuse of costly HVAC equipment, helping properties avoid unnecessary maintenance repair costs and resulting in increased NOI.

If you’re interested in learning more about the TrustHab solution and the many benefits it can bring to your property, reach out to us today for a complimentary tour of the platform!

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