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Smart Building Solutions: The Top IoT Devices for Early Maintenance Issue Detection

October 19, 2023|3 Minutes

Property managers face numerous challenges, and one of the most critical is ensuring that maintenance issues are caught early to prevent costly repairs and tenant dissatisfaction. Thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) software platforms and devices like those offered by TrustHab, property managers now have a powerful ally in the form of smart equipment that can remotely monitor various aspects of a building. Here, we’ll explore some of the top IoT-powered devices that can be installed to ensure maintenance issues are identified and mitigated promptly, ultimately saving substantial time and money.

Smart Leak Detectors

Water damage from undetected leaks is a recurring nightmare for property managers. Smart leak detectors placed in strategic areas can swiftly identify leaks, drips, or flooding, triggering alerts that immediately notify onsite personnel. These effective, compact devices enable onsite teams to take immediate action, preventing extensive, costly damage and avoiding conditions that can lead to mold growth.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats empower property managers to remotely control and monitor temperature settings. They can adjust thermostats before and after tenant move-ins, optimize energy usage in vacant units, and ensure continuous building-wide comfort. Additionally, smart thermostats can detect HVAC system malfunctions and irregular temperature fluctuations, alerting staff to emerging maintenance needs. By addressing these issues promptly, properties can substantially reduce energy costs and extend the lifespan of HVAC equipment.

Smart Access Control Systems

Smart door locks not only enhance security but also provide actionable information. They can monitor door usage in units and common areas, detect unusual access patterns, and send alerts about potential security breaches or maintenance issues related to locks and entry points. Furthermore, the ability for onsite teams to remotely generate digital access codes reduces instances of accidental tenant lock outs and greatly simplifies turnover processes through more efficient key management.

Occupancy Sensors

Installing occupancy sensors throughout properties offers several advantages. These devices provide valuable insights into unit utilization patterns, allowing onsite teams to efficiently detect periods of vacancy. Armed with this information, property managers can proactively adjust HVAC settings to ensure optimal energy consumption in unoccupied units, schedule inspections, or initiate marketing efforts to minimize downtime.

Incorporating these cost-saving IoT devices and Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms is a property’s ticket to lowering costs and increasing value. TrustHab offers a suite of IoT solutions that utilize smart devices to proactively monitor for energy efficiency and maintenance issues, generating reductions in operational expenses, enhancements in tenant satisfaction, and higher staff productivity. In an industry where efficiency, revenue, and tenant experience are paramount, TrustHab’s smart building technology is an invaluable tool for success. Contact us today for a complimentary demo of the TrustHab SaaS platform and learn why the leading property operators are leveraging TrustHab to reduce maintenance costs and substantially increase NOI.