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The Top Smart Home Automation Technology for Multifamily Buildings

May 31, 2023|5 Minutes

As technology continues to evolve, so does the concept of modern living. Smart home automation has emerged as a popular trend, revolutionizing the way we interact with our living spaces. While initially associated with single-family homes, smart home technology has made its way into multifamily buildings and provides onsite property teams with an effective way to automate risk mitigation and substantially reduce energy and maintenance costs. By incorporating such IoT driven automation systems, property managers and residents can experience enhanced comfort, convenience, and operational efficiency. Let’s explore some of the top smart home automation technologies for multifamily buildings, highlighting their benefits and potential applications.

Smart Water Leak Detection

Water leaks, especially when left undetected, can quickly damage property and result in substantial repair or remediation costs. Displacing a tenant while their unit undergoes repairs is just as much of a headache for managers as it is for residents. Smart water leak detection systems use compact sensors placed in strategic, hidden locations to continuously monitor for leaks and, if detected, alert staff in real-time. These automatic notifications remove the need for staff to rely on tenants to report leaks, and also ensure that leaks will be caught immediately in vacant units. By promptly identifying and addressing leaks, property owners can prevent costly water damage and minimize disruption to residents. Some systems, like TrustHab, can automatically shut off the water supply in case of a major leak, providing an additional layer of protection.

Smart Energy Management

Energy management systems play a crucial role in promoting sustainability and reducing energy costs for property operators. These systems leverage smart thermostats and a centralized platform to monitor HVAC runtime, enabling onsite teams to easily identify inefficiently performing units and make the necessary adjustments to ensure optimal energy consumption throughout a building. Proactively addressing faulty HVAC units not only reduces maintenance and repair costs, it prolongs the life of this expensive equipment. For residents, offering them the ability to track energy consumption and conveniently adjust thermostat settings remotely encourages energy efficient behaviors and provides the opportunity to lower their bills.

Smart Entry Systems

Smart door locks provide a convenient and secure way of managing building access for both staff and residents. These keyless locks can be controlled remotely through a smartphone app, allowing residents to lock and unlock their doors without physical keys. Through a centralized platform, property managers can grant temporary access to visitors or service providers, eliminating the need for key exchanges. Additionally, the ability for onsite teams to remotely generate digital access codes reduces instances of after-hours resident lockouts and avoids the hassle and cost of rekeying units.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats provide an intelligent solution for temperature control in multifamily buildings. As well as offering residents individualized climate control from an app on their smartphone, property managers also benefit from the ability to remotely adjust thermostat settings in residences and common areas to effectively optimize energy consumption across a building. This feature can be especially helpful to ensure energy isn’t being wasted in vacant units. Managers can also implement daily schedules and temperature setbacks based upon occupancy as a way to reduce HVAC runtime and lower utility bills. Some smart thermostat models even provide humidity monitoring, allowing onsite teams to proactively mitigate abnormal levels that could result in costly damage to property.

Smart home automation technology is transforming multifamily buildings into intelligent living spaces that offer increased comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency. From smart sensors and thermostats to keyless door locks and energy management solutions, these technologies enhance the appeal of a property, promote a sustainable community for environmentally conscious residents, and provide significant cost-saving benefits for property operators. Multifamily buildings equipped with this technology are becoming increasingly sought after by residents seeking a modern and efficient living experience, so embracing these innovations can offer property owners a competitive edge in the market while providing residents with a more comfortable and connected lifestyle.

TrustHab is the leading intelligent IoT driven solution that has successfully helped multifamily buildings across the nation achieve substantial cost savings and increased property value. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary tour of the platform.